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What New Year’s Resolutions and Organizational Change Have in Common: Tip #4 (Part 5 of 7)

By ALULA posted in Behavior, Leadership, Change Management


Tip #4 asks you to learn about the direct impact of change. How? 👇 

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What New Year’s Resolutions and Organizational Change Have in Common: Tip #5 (Part 6 of 7)

By ALULA posted in Behavior, Leadership, Change Management


Tip #5 asks you to make sure leaders can drive change the right way. How? 👇 

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What I Wish I Knew: Women in Leadership Share Lessons on Developing as a Leader

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Women in the workplace


Recently ALULA's own Danielle Hochstein (Geissler), Ph.D., participated in a leadership roundtable at the American Biomanufacturing Summit in San Francisco, CA. The discussion focused on how to elevate female leaders, especially in male-dominated industries. 

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To Observe Remote Workers, Partner and Listen More!

By ALULA posted in Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely, Hybrid Work Environment


(Note to readers: We received a lot of valuable feedback on this post! People requested more detail on how to observe remote workers, so we expanded our previous post. Thank you for reading, and we hope the additions are helpful! )

How do I know people are doing the right things in the right way when they are working remotely?

I’m hearing this question a lot as remote and hybrid working have become the “new normal.” Operating virtually creates a genuine barrier, and we all know it. But it’s a barrier that skillful leaders can leap over.

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Observation: The Most Underappreciated Leadership Skill

By ALULA posted in Leadership


As we push through the second half of 2021, many unknowns remain from a tumultuous 2020. We’re in uncharted territory, so it’s important to consider what leadership skills will be critical as teams sail this new course.

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Should you hire a culture consultant?

By ALULA posted in Behavior, Team Culture, Culture



Your company’s culture: strategic asset and competitive advantage

Your company culture is what employees say and do every day, how they work together (or don’t), what leaders reinforce (or don’t), and all the habits, practices, processes, and customs of the workplace.

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Work-from-Anywhere Survey  Uncovers Some Surprising Pros and Cons

By ALULA posted in Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Managing Remotely


Author: Jessica Miller

Kitchen tables, make-shift computer trays on car consoles, scribbling notes on the back of napkins… Working arrangements in 2020 looked a lot different due to the pandemic’s impact. We toughed it out one video call at a time, but all the while our mindset of what was “normal” was shifting and evolving, and so was the mindset of the global workforce. We truly are in a work-from-anywhere world now and like many of you, ALULA was curious about the impacts of that dramatic shift.

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Organizational Alignment: The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Leader-Led Change, Alignment


Author: J.P. Martinez

The flames are mesmerizing, the noise overwhelming, and the sheer power is remarkable. These words do not come close to illustrating the brilliance of a rocket launched on its way into space. And while truly incredible, the awe-inspiring physical representation of achieving escape velocity in some ways distracts from the true accomplishment; consider what is necessary for a successful launch. All the people, all the parts, and all the conditions must line up together, in just the right way, at the right time.

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Women in the Workplace: The Pandemic Causes Positive Changes

By ALULA posted in Women in the workplace


ALULA interviewed four women leaders who provided their unique perspectives into the past, present, and future of women in the workplace and some positive outcomes the pandemic has provided.

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What Leaders Need to Continue to Do Well, as Companies Extend Working Remote

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely

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While we all see light at the end of this pandemic tunnel, one thing that will not end anytime soon is managing and engaging a remote work force.

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