Beyond Assumptions: How Leaders Shape Employee Experience

By Krystyna Riley posted in Leadership, Team Culture, Trust, Employee Experience


Leaders everywhere are talking about Employee Experience, and for good reason.

EX is perhaps the single most important thing an employer can do to improve engagement, productivity, and retention. 

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Post-Layoff Success: Employee Experience for the Long Haul

By Michael Mangan, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Team Culture, Trust, Employee Experience


It was a perfect storm that threatened a large company’s entire Employee Experience (EX).

A major player in the technology sector, this company was facing a restructuring triggered by an acquisition. From the moment the deal was announced, employees knew layoffs were likely. 

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How Employee Experience Drives Hybrid Workforce Excellence

By Brian Cole, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Team Culture, Communicating with Teams, Leading Remote Teams, Managing Remotely, Hybrid Work Environment, Trust, Employee Experience


Can you still create a compelling employee experience (EX) when you don’t get to see your employees in person?

Welcome to the great EX-hybrid challenge. EX is the sum total of all the interactions employees have with people, processes, technologies, and their physical working environment. These are the elements necessary to promote engagement and productivity, and retention.  

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