Bridging Authenticity: The Transformative Power of Allyship

By Sophia Cole posted in Team Culture, Culture


Since our Pride Month series is all about prompting more open conversations about LGBTQIA+ allyship, I took the opportunity to interview my colleague Brian Cole about his allyship journey. Not only is Brian my colleague, but he is also my dad, so it was powerful to address how features of allyship show up across our shared work, home, and social spaces. Together, we talked about defining allyship, getting better at it, and responding to misconceptions about the LGBTQIA+ community. 

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Onboard with Trust: Employee Experience During the First 90 Days

By Gina Siemieniec, Ph.D. posted in Behavior, Leadership, Team Culture, Culture, Communicating with Teams, Trust, Onboarding


EX is the sum total of all interactions employees have with people, processes, technologies, and their physical working environment.

Done properly, a mature and effective EX can boost engagement and productivity, as well as cut down on costly attrition. 

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A Perfect Fit: June and Men's Health

By Brian Cole, Ph.D. posted in Team Culture, Culture


June is National Men's Health Month and a call to prioritize men's mental and physical well-being, the bedrock for success in all aspects of life. Leaders know that our health lays the foundation for our career achievements, team relationships, and overall resilience. However, one piece of men's health puzzle is often missing in our conversations. 

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Being an Ally Isn’t Just for Pride Month

By Lisa Woolsgrove posted in Culture


Every June, companies plaster rainbow flags across their logos in a show of LGBTQIA+ "allyship" for Pride Month. But true allyship isn't just a celebration - it's an ongoing commitment to supporting LGBTQIA+ individuals every day. 

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Celebrating Pride: Lessons of Allyship and Inclusion

By ALULA posted in Team Culture, Culture


During Pride Month, we celebrate the diversity, resilience, and authenticity of the LGBTQIA+ community. It's a time to uplift their voices, lived experiences, and the ongoing journey toward true equality and inclusion. As allies, our role is to listen, learn, and take meaningful action in supporting the LGBTQIA+ community year-round.  

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Make Health a Habit: Actionable Tips for World Health Day and Beyond

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Team Culture, Culture, Trust


World Health Day, on April 7th, is a global call to action for prioritizing well-being. In our constantly connected world, self-care is no longer a luxury, it's a necessity. By making small, sustainable changes to your daily routines, you can significantly improve your physical and mental health. Here are three self-care shifts that can help you develop habits to support a more fulfilling life. 

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Steps that Inspire Inclusion

By ALULA posted in Team Culture, Culture, Trust


International Women’s Day (IWD)is kicking off with local and global celebrations dedicated to the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This year’s theme is “Inspiring Inclusion,” and it gives us an opportunity to recognize how everyone everywhere can take steps to inspire inclusion.  

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How to Improve Team Culture for Extraordinary Results

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Team Building, Team Culture, Culture


In today’s workplace, it’s easy to wake up and find ourselvesin a funk. A short break, chat with a mentor, or bit of self-care usually does the trick! But what happens when an entire team gets in a funk? The solution is less clear, and the impact can strike a long-term blow to performance and engagement.  

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Use Positive Gossip at Work to Boost Team Morale

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Team Culture, Culture


Mark your calendars, because January 24 is National Compliment Day! Now before you run around tossing generic "you're awesome" comments, let's talk about effective compliments. Research shows that people feel uncomfortable receiving direct praise at work. So, this year, try complimenting what someone does instead of who they are.  

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Celebrating the Pets of ALULA

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Team Building, Team Culture, Culture


At ALULA, our love for animals isn't just a quirk—it's a shared bond that shapes our culture. Although we focus on the human side of business, our shared affection for furry, winged, speckled, or finnedfriendsis strong, and it creates a unique camaraderie. Given this common bond, we can’t pass up the opportunity to celebrate National Dress Up Your Pet Day this January 14!

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