Recent globalincreases in employee engagementhave been music to the ears of hard-working, mindful leaders. But here’s the thing about a good thing – it merits vigilance.
Preventing Toxic Productivity and Toxic Positivity
By ALULA posted in Leadership, Team Building, Team Culture, Workplace Health
How Leaders Make Workforce Well-Being Visible
By ALULA posted in Leadership, Communicating with Teams, Workplace Mental Health, Workplace Health
In today’s dynamic work environment, leaders who are good atprioritizingthe total well-being of the workforce also help to improve key business metrics associated with job satisfaction, employee retention, customer loyalty, teamwork, safety, accuracy, and—of course—profitability in the long term.
Supportive Leaders Put People First AND Take Care of Themselves
By ALULA posted in Leadership, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely, Workplace Health
There is a time-tested military leadership best practice that is known by the mantra; “Officers eat last.” It is reflected in what Simon Sinek described as a “circle of safety” that exists in high performing organizations so that all members will feel safe and secure and able to focus on battling external challenges and “seizing big opportunities” as a team, rather than worrying about internal conflicts and threats. That safety net is established by supportive leaders; those who put their people first and who will make personal sacrifices for the good of their teams.