Twelve Leadership Practices to Help Others Excel

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Operational Excellence

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Leadership is all about helping others to excel. As a leader, how do you achieve that?

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Looking Back Provides Understanding for Moving Forward

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Operational Excellence


In 1982, W. Edwards Deming published his 14 Points of Management and described what he called the System of Profound Knowledge. His ideas and writings continue to revolutionize manufacturing and organizational excellence by influencing innovators, thought leaders, and organizational teams throughout the world.

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Two Factors that Make or Break Organizational Transformations

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Operational Excellence, Digital Transformation, Organizational Transformation, Change


The cost of a failed transformation to a company can be astronomical.  Not just in invested resources, but in man hours and opportunities lost. Why then do so many company transformations fail?

Danielle Geissler, Ph.D., shares two of the most important things that can make or break your transformation.

In this two-minute video learn what can most often get in your way, as well as why leaders are in the best position to create and sustain an environment for successful transformation.

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Strategy Execution: Three Common Pitfalls, One Big Takeaway

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Operational Excellence, Strategy Execution


Here you are: tasked to design and implement a foolproof strategy that will elevate your organization to the next level. It’s likely that you’ll build your strategy around some variation of the following goals:

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Pharmaceutical Sales KPIs: The Secret to Your Sales Team’s Success

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Operational Excellence, Pharmaceutical Sales


Key performance indicators (KPIs) are at the core of pharmaceutical sales. They are simultaneously the output and driver of sales representative behaviors.

Sales representatives use performance indicators to evaluate their relationship management and district sales strategies, ensuring they get the best results. Regional directors use them to identify training and development opportunities in sales reps, revise targets, clarify their own vision and direction, or find new or different ways to motivate performance. National directors use them to make strategic hiring and market development decisions, coach regional directors, and remove barriers.

But while pharma sales KPIs are valuable to all members of your organization, many companies fail to use these metrics to their full potential. Learn how the following three steps can ensure you’re aligning with KPI best practices and maximizing performance improvement.  

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5 Scientific Principles to Get Your Pharmaceutical Sales Numbers Back On Track

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Operational Excellence, Pharmaceutical Sales


The start of a new quarter and a new year typically generates a search for innovative ideas that can increase pharmaceutical sales growth and performance, especially if numbers have been lagging.

So, where do you look for the best ideas? Behavioral science may not be on your radar just yet, but it should be. Managing pharmaceutical sales performance by recognizing the science behind the behaviors visible in your organization can be just the differentiator that improves performance and creates lasting change.

Instead of following trends this quarter, why not implement these proven, evidence-based principles from applied behavioral science?

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How Pharmaceutical Sales Organizations Can Jumpstart Performance

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Operational Excellence, Pharmaceutical Sales


Establishing high-performing pharmaceutical sales organizations takes time.

But, there are several things you can do today to ensure change does happen reliably and sustainably. It all starts with an open mind towards new ideas and the willingness to consistently apply best practices across your pharmaceutical sales organization.

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Want to Achieve Superior Turnaround Performance? Forming a Turnaround Steering Team is Your First Step

By Krystyna Riley posted in Leadership, Operational Excellence, Turnaround/Shutdown


By: Brian Cole, Senior Principal; Krystyna Riley, Senior Principal

A high-performing Turnaround Steering Team is your key to better planning and execution.

Turnarounds are a complex, challenging, and expensive part of capital intensive industries (e.g., refining, mining, power generation). Successful turnarounds require significant collaboration and alignment between operations, maintenance, and engineering to ensure best-in-class performance.

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Are You Managing Your Contractors for Optimal Performance?

By Krystyna Riley posted in Operational Excellence, Turnaround/Shutdown


By: Brian Cole, Senior Principal; Krystyna Riley, Senior Principal

The effective, efficient, and safe performance of contractors is critical to superior turnaround performance; their performance can often make or break the cost and duration of your turnaround. Like most of our clients, you probably train and orient your contractors—before a turnaround begins—in your company’s policies, safety procedures, work rules, quality standards, and culture. While this initial training is vital for getting off to a good start, our experience has been that the oversight and monitoring during the turnaround is even more important for ensuring top performance.

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