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Digital Transformation Has Gained a Whole New Momentum - Can you Make the Most of It?

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Innovation, Change Management, Culture, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely


The advent and duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting need for many people to work remotely has accelerated the use of new, fast and frequently changing digital technology to solve business problems. Whether it has been the use of ever advancing technology like ZOOMSM or Microsoft® TEAMS or the fast-tracking of more complex technological processes like Telehealth, businesses are radically re-thinking how they are using technology, people and processes to survive and thrive in the current economy.

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Are You Really Encouraging Innovation?

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Innovation


Many companies boast about their cultures of innovation. They incorporate creativity and openness into their mission or values statements. They reward employees for new insights and ideas. They hire and promote for innovation. Yet despite such measures, they find that their teams remain stubbornly locked in place, struggling to generate new ideas and to execute even minor change initiatives.

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Kick Your Culture of Innovation into High Gear: A Generational Approach

By ALULA posted in Behavior, Leadership, Multigenerational Workforce, Innovation


Have you heard about Adobe’s Kickbox? It’s a little red box filled with materials that take employees through a six-step, self-guided innovation process. Employees who have a new idea they want to pursue take a workshop and then proceed through the stages of innovation on their own. Each box contains a credit card with $1000 in seed money.

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