To Observe Remote Workers, Partner and Listen More!

By ALULA posted in Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely, Hybrid Work Environment


(Note to readers: We received a lot of valuable feedback on this post! People requested more detail on how to observe remote workers, so we expanded our previous post. Thank you for reading, and we hope the additions are helpful! )

How do I know people are doing the right things in the right way when they are working remotely?

I’m hearing this question a lot as remote and hybrid working have become the “new normal.” Operating virtually creates a genuine barrier, and we all know it. But it’s a barrier that skillful leaders can leap over.

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Work-from-Anywhere Survey  Uncovers Some Surprising Pros and Cons

By ALULA posted in Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Managing Remotely


Author: Jessica Miller

Kitchen tables, make-shift computer trays on car consoles, scribbling notes on the back of napkins… Working arrangements in 2020 looked a lot different due to the pandemic’s impact. We toughed it out one video call at a time, but all the while our mindset of what was “normal” was shifting and evolving, and so was the mindset of the global workforce. We truly are in a work-from-anywhere world now and like many of you, ALULA was curious about the impacts of that dramatic shift.

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What Leaders Need to Continue to Do Well, as Companies Extend Working Remote

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely

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While we all see light at the end of this pandemic tunnel, one thing that will not end anytime soon is managing and engaging a remote work force.

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Trusting Your Remote Teams to Do the Right Things (Even When No One is Looking)

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Communicating with Teams, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Managing Remotely


“How do I know my remote team is just as productive as when I was able to see them in the office?”

“How do I know they are doing the right things in the right way? Are there metrics I can use?”

“How can I be sure my remote employees are fully engaged, even though I’m not around?”

I’m hearing these questions a lot as remote work has become the “new way of work.” As a leader, what can you do? Do you use keystroke counters and always-on cameras to see them—because you can’t fully trust them? Or, maybe you should “trust but verify?” Or, “trust and hope for the best?”

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Checklist for Virtual Conference Attendees and Participants

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Working Remote


Virtual conferences, in some form, are here to stay. And they come with unique challenges and benefits. With that in mind, ALULA developed a checklist of how best to prepare for—and engage in—virtual conference activities. These will ensure you get the most out of the experience—and hopefully you avoid some common pitfalls that may occur with this new way of engaging in virtual events.

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Digital Transformation Has Gained a Whole New Momentum - Can you Make the Most of It?

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Innovation, Change Management, Culture, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely


The advent and duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting need for many people to work remotely has accelerated the use of new, fast and frequently changing digital technology to solve business problems. Whether it has been the use of ever advancing technology like ZOOMSM or Microsoft® TEAMS or the fast-tracking of more complex technological processes like Telehealth, businesses are radically re-thinking how they are using technology, people and processes to survive and thrive in the current economy.

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Leading in Times of Change: Themes From a Panel of Influential Leaders

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Team Building, Culture, Communicating with Teams, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Managing Remotely


Recently I had the pleasure of moderating the first-ever virtual Women in Leadership panel at the American Biomanufacturing Summit. The panel consisted of senior female leaders of Allakos Inc, Amgen, bluebird bio, Roche, and Sangamo Therapeutics, Inc. Each of them brought a different and rich set of experiences and knowledge to the virtual table.

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Supportive Leaders Put People First AND Take Care of Themselves

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely, Workplace Health


There is a time-tested military leadership best practice that is known by the mantra; “Officers eat last.” It is reflected in what Simon Sinek described as a “circle of safety” that exists in high performing organizations so that all members will feel safe and secure and able to focus on battling external challenges and “seizing big opportunities” as a team, rather than worrying about internal conflicts and threats. That safety net is established by supportive leaders; those who put their people first and who will make personal sacrifices for the good of their teams.

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Post-Pandemic Reentry: Leadership Blind Spots to Consider

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Team Culture, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely

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Leaders planning the return to workplaces for employees who have been required to work from home (WFH) because of the COVID-19 pandemic, are finding they will need multiple working arrangements to keep their businesses thriving.
Whether returning to the office all at once, in staggered shifts, using split schedules, or maintaining WFH for some or all, leaders will need to be flexible and adapt their behaviors and management skills to deal with the fusion of the unique cultures attributed to each of these ways of working. Complicating the situation further are the still-to-be-determined cultural norms for how to behave in a socially distanced work-world.

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How to Motivate Remote Teams When They Are Tired

By ALULA posted in Behavior, Leadership, Team Building, Team Culture, Communicating with Teams, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely


You athletes will probably laugh at this but humor me – there is a point – and it’s a true story!

When I was in basic training I was not much of a runner.  We were doing our final test - a seven-mile run, and I was struggling at about the 5-mile mark when my instructor came up beside me and said something to me that I have never forgotten.  He said; “I can see that you are getting tired and you have quite a ways to go”  Then he said, “Don’t think about the end; instead just keep putting one foot in front of the other one.” 

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