Give Yourself a Break: Self-Care in the Time of Pandemic

By ALULA posted in Behavior, Leadership, Team Building, Communicating with Teams, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely


In this time of pandemic, we are intensely caring for our families, our clients, our company, and our careers—and in some cases even schooling our children at home, or caring for loved ones and neighbors. We are giving 110% to everything at once. Many of us have become adept at this, working virtually, leading meetings remotely, hurtling forward day-after-day.

But too often we are not caring for ourselves. Though we are strong, leading the way daily, our minds and bodies need breaks too.

ALULA has worked as a virtual company for years, so we’ve learned a lot about staying healthy in “the virtual life”—physically, mentally, and emotionally. Here’s some advice, especially for those who may not be accustomed to working from home.

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Business Leaders’ Communication Planning is Critical During Crisis

By ALULA posted in Team Building, Team Culture, Culture, Communicating with Teams, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely


When a crisis hits, many companies turn their attention outwards. Understandably, business leaders spend time crafting external messages and planning for ongoing communication to clients, partners, and other external stakeholders. Equally important, business leaders need to craft plans for nurturing and strengthening internal relationships through ongoing communications. 

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Leading Virtual Teams: Strengthening Your Relationships

By ALULA posted in Communicating with Teams, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely


In these uncertain times, your team members will have deep-seated concerns about their health, their families, and job security. It is critical that you recognize the value they bring to the continuity of your operations and to your organization’s culture. How you relate to your team during this worldwide pandemic will have lasting consequences.

It is critical to maintain solid relationships that demonstrate trust and respect, inspire, show empathy, and create positive accountability. Your primary role as a leader in these times is to ensure that people continue to feel valued, heard, and connected.

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Working Remote: 3 Steps to Be More Effective

By ALULA posted in Communicating with Teams, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely



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Putting People First in Times of COVID-19

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Team Building, Communicating with Teams, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home


Personal Reflection: Caring for Family and Colleagues

These personal reflections are from Danielle Geissler, Ph.D. A trusted advisor and coach to many senior executives in the U.S. and abroad, Danielle boards planes, trains, and secures ride services on a daily basis to better help executives create positive, productive, and engaged workplaces. She resides at—what is today—the epicenter of the U.S. COVID-19 outbreak. These are a few of her insights.

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