Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D.

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How to Drive Positive Engagement Behaviors

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Team Culture, Communicating with Teams


Before you can drive positive engagement behaviors, it's critical to understand what those look like for your teams. As companies forge ahead with new work environments, new communication tools and new technologies, it's more important than ever for everyone in the organization to have clarity.

What 'good' looks like may be different depending on what part of the organization you are engaging. So if working with accounting the desired behavior may look different than working with customer service.

Having clear definition, consistency and reinforcement is an important step for leaders to further positive engagement in an organization.

In this video ALULA's Danielle Geissler, Ph.D., provides steps leaders can take to help drive positive engagement behaviors throughout the organization.

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Why Leaders Must Drive Both Engagement and Results

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Team Culture, Communicating with Teams


Being successful in complex and chaotic times takes a leader who understands it's the environment created that is the driving force. One of the most challenging parts of this crisis is that there is no perfect plan to help guide and reenergize an organization.

However, leaders who remain focused on their teams and finding the right balance between engagement and results will be best positioned to be successful.

In the following video, ALULA's Danielle Geissler, Ph.D., suggests important steps for leaders to take in order to engage their teams, while still driving success for the organization.

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What Leaders Can Do to Combat Uncertainty Fatigue in Their Team Members

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Team Culture, Communicating with Teams


Lately it feels like every time you ask someone "how are you doing?" we are all waiting for the perfunctory answer of "I'm fine" or "I'm doing ok". In reality we all know that the last year has had a negative impact on many of our work experiences and our daily lives. 

When the pandemic started, many organizations and teams quickly pivoted to new work environments, new ways of engaging, embraced new technology and dealt with a whole new set of challenges. While these changes were quick to be embraced, the uncertainty of how or when they may or may not change are taking a toll.

As leaders it's important for you to identify symptoms of Uncertainty Fatigue and bring about ways to help employees manage through it.

ALULA's Danielle Geissler, Ph.D., provides insights for leaders to assist employees in combating Uncertainty Fatigue while encouraging critical engagement behaviors.

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What Do We Know about Advancing as a Female Leader?  A Lot!

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership


Recently I had the pleasure of co-chairing the 5th Annual Advancing Women’s Leadership Skills and Opportunities in Pharma and Healthcare - East.  The three-day event was filled to the brim with great speakers, learning opportunities, and activities—like dancing! I loved the energy of the event, and the passion of both the speakers and the very engaged audience, despite it being a virtual event.

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Can Your Culture Drive Your Digital Transformation?

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Behavior, Leadership, Digital Transformation, Team Culture, Culture


Culture can make or break your digital strategy. At ALULA, we define culture as patterns of behavior that have been either reinforced or discouraged by people, systems, and processes over time. No two cultures are the same, and an organization’s digital culture can be best defined by the people within it.

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Two Factors that Make or Break Organizational Transformations

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Operational Excellence, Digital Transformation, Organizational Transformation, Change


The cost of a failed transformation to a company can be astronomical.  Not just in invested resources, but in man hours and opportunities lost. Why then do so many company transformations fail?

Danielle Geissler, Ph.D., shares two of the most important things that can make or break your transformation.

In this two-minute video learn what can most often get in your way, as well as why leaders are in the best position to create and sustain an environment for successful transformation.

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Digital Transformation Has Gained a Whole New Momentum - Can you Make the Most of It?

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Innovation, Change Management, Culture, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely


The advent and duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting need for many people to work remotely has accelerated the use of new, fast and frequently changing digital technology to solve business problems. Whether it has been the use of ever advancing technology like ZOOMSM or Microsoft® TEAMS or the fast-tracking of more complex technological processes like Telehealth, businesses are radically re-thinking how they are using technology, people and processes to survive and thrive in the current economy.

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Leading in Times of Change: Themes From a Panel of Influential Leaders

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Team Building, Culture, Communicating with Teams, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Managing Remotely


Recently I had the pleasure of moderating the first-ever virtual Women in Leadership panel at the American Biomanufacturing Summit. The panel consisted of senior female leaders of Allakos Inc, Amgen, bluebird bio, Roche, and Sangamo Therapeutics, Inc. Each of them brought a different and rich set of experiences and knowledge to the virtual table.

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How Leaders Can Ensure High-Performance in Uncertain Times

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Leading Remote Teams, Managing Remotely


Much has been written about life during COVID, including the endless Zoom conferences, challenges with work/life balance and homeschooling, and the unusual work-from-home situation that forced family members to spend more time than usual together. On the work front, people describe how working from home has muddied the waters on roles and responsibilities. Communication and decision-making have become much more complicated.

A client recently asked: How do I lead my team effectively when we’re never in the same space, and many things can’t be done the way we used to do them? How do I consider each team member’s personal challenges, while still creating an environment for high performance? What does high performance even mean right now?

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Your Workplace Reentry: Four Foundations for a Smooth Transition

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Change Management, Leading Remote Teams


With COVID-19 restrictions and work-from-home orders lifting, executives are working toward shared workplace reentry. Some organizations are planning a phased return to the workplace, starting with senior leadership. Others are focused on critical functions, like R&D. Still others feel it’s a bad idea to shift people who can work from home back to the office before a vaccine is in place.

While organizations are diligently addressing systemic and process requirements, leaders are thinking about how they will lead to achieve a smooth transition.

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