Can Your Culture Drive Your Digital Transformation?

September 2020 | By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D.

Culture can make or break your digital strategy. At ALULA, we define culture as patterns of behavior that have been either reinforced or discouraged by people, systems, and processes over time. No two cultures are the same, and an organization’s digital culture can be best defined by the people within it.

The impact of COVID-19 has forced many companies to quickly adapt to new digital environments.  How can you best ensure that these changes are sustainable and the changes required to execute the larger digital transformation strategy can be achieved?

Our research indicates there are six qualities of a digital culture. Three of these qualities are foundational and must be present throughout the transformation: innovation, collaboration, and agility. To accelerate your digital transformation, the following three qualities must also exist in the culture: customer centricity, courage, and data acumen.  

The technology strategy is relatively straightforward, but executing a digital transformation strategy and creating a digital culture is more difficult. Helping everyone in the organization, from the C-suite to the frontline, work in a new way requires every employee to think and act differently. This requires new behaviors.

If your transformation is under way, invest the time and focus on examining your culture. Digital transformation is complex and requires a tremendous amount of change, energy, and courage.

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IF you're interested in reading even more about ALULA's approach to Digital Transformation, we suggest the following blog posts:


Posted in: Behavior, Leadership, Digital Transformation, Team Culture, Culture
