Getting (and Keeping) Leadership Alignment

By John Dale posted in decarbonization, net-zero, lower-carbon


Imagine this scene: Fade into a senior leadership team meeting, in progress:

"Wait, wait, wait! Didn't we already decide that we were moving forward with the design?" asked Heather.

Stefano jumped in, "I thought we agreed on what we were going to do, but we still need to talk through how we're going to do it."

"I remember having a conversation about it but not making a decision," replied Nanda.

"What are you talking about?" quipped Millie.

Sadly, this type of exchange happens too often within leadership teams*.

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What I Wish I Knew: Women in Leadership Share Lessons on Developing as a Leader

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Women in the workplace


Recently ALULA's own Danielle Hochstein (Geissler), Ph.D., participated in a leadership roundtable at the American Biomanufacturing Summit in San Francisco, CA. The discussion focused on how to elevate female leaders, especially in male-dominated industries. 

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To Observe Remote Workers, Partner and Listen More!

By ALULA posted in Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely, Hybrid Work Environment


(Note to readers: We received a lot of valuable feedback on this post! People requested more detail on how to observe remote workers, so we expanded our previous post. Thank you for reading, and we hope the additions are helpful! )

How do I know people are doing the right things in the right way when they are working remotely?

I’m hearing this question a lot as remote and hybrid working have become the “new normal.” Operating virtually creates a genuine barrier, and we all know it. But it’s a barrier that skillful leaders can leap over.

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Return to Office: Questions Employees Should Answer to Successfully Prepare

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Return To Office (RTO), Hybrid Work Environment


In our series on preparing for return to office (RTO) and hybrid work arrangements, we have focused primarily on what organizations and leaders need to consider in making these arrangements successful. However, at the end of the day, the success of these transitions ultimately depends on how all employees—regardless of title or position—are able to be engaged, safe, productive, and successful.

While it’s clear how expectations, processes, and support structures—put in place by organizations and leaders—have a huge impact on how the change to a hybrid work environment happens, there is actually a lot each employee can do to prepare for the transition and own some of that success.

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4 Metrics Critical to Measuring Success of a Hybrid Work Environment

By Brian Cole, Ph.D. posted in Return To Office (RTO), Hybrid Work Environment


As we start thinking about a sustainable hybrid workforce model, it’s important to also consider how we’ll know that hybrid models get the benefits we need in terms of employee engagement and business results. That means leaders can’t forget to measure progress and impact.

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Return to Office Communications: 8 Questions Leaders Should Be Prepared To Answer

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Return To Office (RTO), Hybrid Work Environment


“The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” -George Bernard Shaw

I’m sure we’ve all heard this quote before. But at no time did it ring truer to me than now. Before the pandemic, communication was routinely one of the biggest challenges of any transformation—or rather, the inconsistency, ineffectiveness, or complete absence of any given communication. But now we live in a time where ensuring timely, effective communication is concurrently easier (through technology) and more difficult (through remote work) than ever before.

On that backdrop we are now tasked with one of the trickiest transformations yet: the Return to Office (RTO). Whatever your model will look like—all virtual, hybrid, a mix depending on role—the transition will be difficult. What’s making it even more difficult is the fact that right now we can’t say for sure if the new ways of working will stick, or if once we’ve made the move, we’ll just have to return to virtual work in the near future.

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Proximity Bias: Recognize and Overcome Favoritism in a Hybrid Workplace

By Brian Cole, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Hybrid Work Environment

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In an ever-shifting hybrid workplace, diversity and inclusion may be even more relevant as new biases develop. One that we’ve already seen manifest is Proximity Bias, when leaders unintentionally favor those working in the office compared to those working remotely. But where does this show up, how does it affect business, and how can you put a stop to such biases?

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Return to Office - 8 Tips for Today’s Leaders

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Return To Office (RTO)


If you’re a people leader, the past year hasn’t been easy. While the pandemic strained supply chains, changed consumer and customer needs, and put into question strategic growth plans, it also put a spotlight onto new employee needs around wellbeing and engagement. All of these topics have one thing in common: You, as a leader, are tasked with adapting to all these challenges and making the most of these changes. While many initially thought these shifts might be temporary, the reality has set in that they may be here to stay—and that more changes are on the horizon.

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Creating and Building Trust in a Hybrid Environment

By Brian Cole, Ph.D. posted in Hybrid Work Environment, Trust


“Trust has to be earned and should only come after the passage of time.”                    –Arthur Ashe

Trust is fundamental in our daily interactions, but we don’t talk about it enough. We’re social animals, and the very foundations of society are built on trust. So it should be obvious why trust is critical to success in everything—including business.

According to The Trust Outlook[1], about 85% of people believe that a high-trust work environment helps them perform at their very best. Virtually all metrics improve when employees trust their employers and vice versa, and that is especially true in a hybrid working world.

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The Power of Company Culture in the Return to Office

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Return To Office (RTO)


When the pandemic forced us all to move into virtual work environments, there was one topic that immediately worried leaders and employees alike: How do we keep our company culture going strong? How can we ensure that we don’t lose the culture that keeps us all connected? While a valid question, for many it never truly was resolved. The demands of focusing on emergency response plans, moving the entire company to a virtual model, and dealing with supply chain issues—among many others—caused a focus on firefighting and surviving.

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