Train Your Brain with the Power of Prompts

By ALULA posted in Behavior, Change


Unlock Your Mental Potential This National Train Your Brain Day 

We've all heard "use it or lose it" when it comes to physical fitness, but did you know your brain follows the same principle? Just as you train your muscles, you can train your brain.

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Organizational Resilience: Easy to Get, Hard to Keep

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Team Culture, Culture


The Billion-Dollar Question 

In today's fast-paced business environment, organizational resilience isn't just a buzzword—it's a key driver of success. Consider this: companies with high organizational resilience outperform their peers by an average of 30% in long-term shareholder returns. 

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AI and the Human Factor: Overcoming Challenges in Adoption

By Brian Crowley-Koch, Ph.D.



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Battling Burnout: A Leader's Guide to Self-Care

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Culture, Workplace Mental Health, Workplace Health


Ever feel like you're running on empty? Like you've given 110% to everything and everyone, but somehow, it's still not enough?

Welcome to the club, fellow leaders. We've all been there, and let's face it—burnout is a real B. 

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Steady Trust: How Tom Frosina Empowers Leaders

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Trust, Leadership Unscripted


"There isn't a playbook for every challenge," says Tom Frosina, Operations Leader at TD Bank. 

Tom knows that leadership isn't about following a script. Instead, effective leaders must be able to adapt, innovate, and empower their teams to succeed.

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Quick Chats, Big Impact: The Art of Mastering the Daily Check-In

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Culture, Communicating with Teams


As a leader, your days are jam-packed —meetings, emails, putting out fires, rinse and repeat.  

It's enough to make your head spin. With all the demands on your time, it can be tempting to skip over those daily check-ins with your team. But trust us, that would be a costly mistake. 

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From Turnover to Triumph: 70% Lower Attrition through Exceptional Leadership

By Spurgeon James


What would happen if you applied some of the best and most modern practices for improving leadership performance in a sector that has traditionally shunned this kind of investment? 

That was the question being asked by executives at TD Bank’s Retail Card Services, who oversee the call centers through their Merchant Solutions and Customer Service operation. 

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A Simple, Yet Underrated Skill for Leaders

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Team Culture, Culture, Coaching


How well do you really know your team?

Beyond their job titles and performance metrics, what's the underlying story? The answer might surprise you. 

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Leadership Behaviors that Drive High-Performance in a Hybrid Workplace

By Brian Cole, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Team Culture, Leading Remote Teams, Managing Remotely


Hybrid work continues to impact employees’ preferences, but how does it impact their leaders? 

In 2021, the World Trend Index reported that 73% of employees wanted flexible remote work options. The latest insights from Gallup show the number dipping only slightly to 60% today. Remote-capable employees are getting what they want, as most are working in a hybrid or exclusively remote arrangement. But are leaders getting what they need to provide support and get results? 

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Talking Isn't Enough: A Leader's Guide to Communication that Inspires Action

By ALULA posted in Behavior, Leadership, Communicating with Teams


When was the last time your team left a meeting feeling genuinely inspired?  

If you're struggling to remember, you're not alone. In a world of endless emails and back-to-back video calls, truly effective leadership communication has become a rare skill. It's not about how many words you say, but how deeply they resonate. It's about turning strategy into action, and hesitation into momentum. 

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