What New Year’s Resolutions and Organizational Change Have in Common: Tip #3 (Part 4 of 7)

January 2024 | By ALULA

Tip #3 asks you to focus on generating and sustaining momentum. How? 👇 

Tip 3

It’s common for stories about new year’s resolutions and organizational change initiatives to focus on quick wins like “losing 30 pounds” or “getting 50% of folks to adopt new software.” What generates more momentum, though, are short-term accomplishments.   

Quick wins have little to do with lasting behavioral change. Why? — because they tend to be imposed by higher powers or standards, with little regard for what might be practical or meaningful to the people executing change, whether for themselves or an organization. When people are invited to define their own short-term accomplishments, success becomes more meaningful, and thus, more important to them, and change gains palpable momentum.  

When leaders consistently shift their focus from quick wins to short-term accomplishments, they often see remarkable improvements to employee engagement and performance results. Such progress puts them in a position to get even more nuanced about how they tackle leadership success.  

If this sounds like something you’re experiencing too, then maybe you’re interested in learning what the most successful leaders keep doing to adapt and thrive in a changing world. We break it all down in “How to Lead with Confidence in a Volatile World: 6 Proven Leadership Techniques.” Click below to read it now, or move on to tip #4. 


Written by ALULA

Posted in: Behavior, Leadership, Change Management
