What New Year’s Resolutions and Organizational Change Have in Common: Tip #2 (Part 3 of 7)

January 2024 | By ALULA

Tip #2 asks you to understand the relationship between effort and outcome. How? 👇 

Tip 2

When it comes to individual health change, people who count calories, track exercise, and monitor weight have an advantage. Why? They measure what they need to manage: the behaviors (eating, exercising, etc.) that directly impact their milestone results (weight loss, muscle gain, etc.). The behaviors tell them whether they’re succeeding and where remaining barriers may exist.  

Behaviors are true performance-based, real-time indicators of active change. They can be tracked more often (weekly/monthly) than milestone results, and such tracking empowers us to change course when needed.   

In the health example above, we can see how behavioral metrics validate the relationship between effort and outcome while allowing for adjustments. The same is true for organizational change. Behavioral metrics are the key to understanding whether we’re executing on a new strategy and on target to achieve milestone results as anticipated. Effort can be reinforced or refocused accordingly.  

Want to get your team ready for real-time behavioral metrics? Try putting a few prompts in place for them. Our guide titled, “Sustainable Work Habits: The Unexplored Power of Prompts,” will break down the process. Click below to get it now, or move on to tip #3. 


Written by ALULA

Posted in: Behavior, Leadership, Change Management
