5 Critical Leadership Behaviors That Make Pharmaceutical Sales Leaders Successful

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Leadership, Pharmaceutical Sales


Pharmaceutical sales leaders who are known to get results know there are critical leadership behaviors that¬¬ improve their ability to excel in their role. These leaders understand that strong sales performance is correlated with sales leaders engaging with their organization and the teams they lead in the right way at the right time.

Here are five critical leadership behaviors exhibited by successful pharmaceutical sales leaders.

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5 Best Practices To Build Alignment Within Your Pharmaceutical Sales Force And Increase Results

By Mindy Jimison posted in Leadership, Pharmaceutical Sales


Your goal is to be on the same page – to achieve and sustain true business alignment. However, it’s common for pharmaceutical sales organizations to roll out strategic and thoughtful initiatives that get off course soon after they are launched. Without team alignment, you’ll immediately start to see frustration and conflict between sales teams that need each other, and flatlined results for your organization.

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How Pharmaceutical Sales Organizations Can Jumpstart Performance

By Danielle Hochstein, Ph.D. posted in Operational Excellence, Pharmaceutical Sales


Establishing high-performing pharmaceutical sales organizations takes time.

But, there are several things you can do today to ensure change does happen reliably and sustainably. It all starts with an open mind towards new ideas and the willingness to consistently apply best practices across your pharmaceutical sales organization.

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Are You Really Encouraging Innovation?

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Innovation


Many companies boast about their cultures of innovation. They incorporate creativity and openness into their mission or values statements. They reward employees for new insights and ideas. They hire and promote for innovation. Yet despite such measures, they find that their teams remain stubbornly locked in place, struggling to generate new ideas and to execute even minor change initiatives.

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Stormproof Your Company: Developing A New Generation of Breakthrough Leaders

By ALULA posted in Leadership, Multigenerational Workforce


Is your company stormproof?

The storm I’m talking about isn’t a tornado or hurricane, but rather a “perfect storm” in the battle for talent. A tightening labor market combined with baby boomer retirements is adding up to significant talent gaps at many companies. Younger workers are often not ready to take over in leadership positions. Meanwhile, they are becoming frustrated with perceived shortfalls in the leadership development opportunities available at many companies.

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Kick Your Culture of Innovation into High Gear: A Generational Approach

By ALULA posted in Behavior, Leadership, Multigenerational Workforce, Innovation


Have you heard about Adobe’s Kickbox? It’s a little red box filled with materials that take employees through a six-step, self-guided innovation process. Employees who have a new idea they want to pursue take a workshop and then proceed through the stages of innovation on their own. Each box contains a credit card with $1000 in seed money.

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Want to Achieve Superior Turnaround Performance? Forming a Turnaround Steering Team is Your First Step

By Krystyna Riley posted in Leadership, Operational Excellence, Turnaround/Shutdown


By: Brian Cole, Senior Principal; Krystyna Riley, Senior Principal

A high-performing Turnaround Steering Team is your key to better planning and execution.

Turnarounds are a complex, challenging, and expensive part of capital intensive industries (e.g., refining, mining, power generation). Successful turnarounds require significant collaboration and alignment between operations, maintenance, and engineering to ensure best-in-class performance.

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Self-Talk – It’s Not Just for Athletes Anymore

By ALULA posted in Leadership


You’ve heard it a thousand times. How athletes use positive self-talk to eliminate pre-game jitters and improve their performance on the field.

What if we told you that self-talk is a powerful tool in business too? By modifying one simple habit you can flip a switch in your brain and improve the quality of your decision-making and subsequent on-the-job performance.


Skeptical?  Stay with us on this one.  Researchers across disciplines are discovering new insights on what many consider conventional wisdom: how we talk to ourselves can truly make a difference in how we behave.

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The Five Things Leaders Can Do to Minimize Late Scope

By Krystyna Riley posted in Leadership, Turnaround/Shutdown


Late scope jeopardizes turnaround schedules, adds additional costs, and increases safety risks. Here's what you can do about it.

Even the best-planned turnarounds experience some late scope; discovery work, compliance work, and last minute process optimization opportunities are par for the course.  In highly disciplines companies it’s common to anticipate late-scope of up to 7%, which is often seen as a best in class industry benchmark.

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Are You Managing Your Contractors for Optimal Performance?

By Krystyna Riley posted in Operational Excellence, Turnaround/Shutdown


By: Brian Cole, Senior Principal; Krystyna Riley, Senior Principal

The effective, efficient, and safe performance of contractors is critical to superior turnaround performance; their performance can often make or break the cost and duration of your turnaround. Like most of our clients, you probably train and orient your contractors—before a turnaround begins—in your company’s policies, safety procedures, work rules, quality standards, and culture. While this initial training is vital for getting off to a good start, our experience has been that the oversight and monitoring during the turnaround is even more important for ensuring top performance.

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