Advance Low Carbon Changes with Expert Timing and Teaming (Video)

August 2022 | By John Dale

Video discussion with John Dale, Global Energy Practice Lead and Alycia Diggs-Chavis, Executive and Team Coach

Decarbonization – it’s a topic that keeps getting higher on corporate agendas yet harder on the bottom line, where cutting-edge tech and talent needs get measured. Before turning to what you don’t have yet, consider focusing on what you do have now—and how it’s syncing up. While our recent post on stakeholder engagement helps you prepare your organization for net-zero work in the first place, this one on collaboration and teaming offers insight on the degree to which keeping your organization prepared means keeping it connected.

As you probably know, this isn’t just a matter of ensuring that one team understands what another is doing to implement concurrent changes. A Low carbon strategy entails committing to an overall transformation that is complex, long-term, and inextricable from your business goals. How you equip your people for consistent collaboration and teaming will set the stage for successful performance, swift communication, and informed advancement at the right time (not too soon, not too late).

In this video, “Collaboration and Teaming for Lower Carbon Leaders,” I interview Alycia Diggs-Chavis about the role leaders play in setting this exact stage, and the expectations that go with it. We discuss:

  • The Power of Collaboration & Teaming
  • What the Business Gains
  • A Foundation for Everyone


While staying transparent about the challenges and advantages of a workplace environment that prioritizes collaboration and teaming, Alycia commends how it can support lower carbon initiatives. Use our self-diagnostic below to gauge how your actions are fostering everyone’s readiness to collaborate and team effectively.

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To learn more about decarbonization, check out John Dale’s “Getting (and Keeping) Leadership Alignment” post.

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John Dale

Written by John Dale

Posted in: Organizational Transformation, decarbonization, net-zero, lower-carbon
