What New Year’s Resolutions and Organizational Change Have in Common: Tip #5 (Part 6 of 7)

January 2024 | By ALULA

Tip #5 asks you to make sure leaders can drive change the right way. How? 👇 

Tip 5

Self-managing our own consequences with discipline is hard, especially when it comes to keeping new year’s resolutions. Likewise, leaders tasked with managing consequences for their teams during organizational change often get stretched thin. After all, they’re doing so in addition to running the business.   

Supporting them means ensuring that they have time freed up on their calendars to check-in with remote and on-site workers, walk the halls or shop floors, and meet with stakeholders. It also means helping these leaders get meaningful feedback about how effectively they listen to and remove barriers for direct reports.  

It’s distressing to apprehend the degree to which leaders are expected to drive change with no corresponding change to their schedules, workload, or performance management systems. Setting leaders up for success relies on truly supporting the full scope of their new role as change agents with their employees.  

Wondering whether your organization is ready to help leaders drive change the right way? The answer has everything to do with how alignment is built and sustained, which we explore through a set of best practices in “Team Alignment: The Key to Unstoppable Performance.” Click below to give it a read, or move on to tip #6. 


Written by ALULA

Posted in: Behavior, Leadership, Change Management
