The Top 6 Pharma Sales Posts from 2018

November 2018 | By ALULA

Top pharma sales posts

Are you searching for ways to get better results from your sales team? Here’s a chance to look back at some of the top articles and tips from 2018. As we shift into the new year, you’ll have a valuable perspective on how to get the most out of your sales team.

How Pharmaceutical Sales Organizations Can Jumpstart Performance

Has your team’s performance been lagging? Improving performance doesn’t happen overnight, but there are a few steps you can take now to put your team on a path to better results.

In this post, you’ll find out how making a few strategic changes to your sales team can drastically improve performance and increase revenue. These changes include:

  • Establishing Priorities
  • Focusing on Data
  • Coaching Sales Managers and Reps
  • Eliminating Barriers

You’ll learn more about putting these steps into action when you read How Pharmaceutical Sales Organizations Can Jumpstart Performance.

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5 Critical Leadership Behaviors That Make Pharmaceutical Sales Leaders Successful

An effective leader can mean the difference between a successful and a stagnant sales team. And, outstanding leaders know how to deliver the right support at the right time. Do you or your sales managers have the skills needed to empower your team to meet its goals?

This post explores what it takes to be a dynamic pharmaceutical sales leader, elaborating on the following skills and how to build them:

1. Clearly Define Strategy

2. Collaborate Successfully

3. Exhibit Decisiveness

4. Stick to Commitments

5. Facilitate

Make sure to read 5 Critical Leadership Behaviors That Make Pharmaceutical Sales Leaders Successful to learn more.

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How To Better Lead And Motivate A Multigenerational Pharmaceutical Sales Team

If you’re leading a sales team, you’re working with everyone from millennials to generation-Xers, to baby boomers. It takes a little creative thinking to skillfully connect with all of your employees, regardless of the generation they come from. For example, millennials have digital know-how that baby boomers might lack, while baby boomers have decades of sales experience.

To get the best results from everyone on your team, you need to tailor your approach to each individual’s preferences and expectations. A few strategies to consider include:

1. Embrace Differences

2. Invest Time in Nurturing All Employees

3. Leverage Strengths

4. Show Respect

Explore How To Better Lead And Motivate A Multigenerational Pharmaceutical Sales Team, and find out how to use the strengths and preferences of every generation to make your sales team as successful as possible.

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5 Best Practices To Build Alignment Within Your Pharmaceutical Sales Force And Increase Results

A unified sales team is a successful sales team. But sometimes, getting everyone on the same page is much harder than it seems. You need to ensure your team is aligned before any positive operational changes can take place.

This article highlights the challenges that many pharmaceutical sales teams face when change is occurring. It’s also highlights a few key concepts that can help you align your team, including:

  • Identifying What Alignment Looks Like
  • 5 Best Practices to Ensure Alignment
  • How Alignment Delivers Results

Change doesn’t have to be feared when you know how to align your team. 5 Best Practices To Build Alignment Within Your Pharmaceutical Sales Force And Increase Results gives you the insight needed to make that a reality.

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Pharmaceutical Sales KPIs: The Secret To Your Sales Team’s Success

Measuring key performance indicators is a helpful way to gauge the success and progress of your pharmaceutical sales team. But leaders often don’t know which KPIs to track, how to track them, or how to gain insights from these metrics.

Unpack the three following steps on how to align with KPI best practices and generate positive results.

1. Focus on “The Right” Key Data Points

2. Establish a KPI Review Process

3. Facilitate Open Dialogue Regarding KPIs

The best endeavors take time and a little effort,but tracking the right KPIs is worth it. Learn more in Pharmaceutical Sales KPIs: The Secret To Your Sales Team’s Success.

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4 Ways To Deliver Feedback That Gets Results

Both giving and receiving feedback can be a challenge for anyone in pharmaceutical sales. However, if you deliver it in the correct way, the team member you’re talking to is sure to be receptive.

Explore four keys to delivering feedback and find out why these strategies work with your team members.

1. Assess Your Own Motives

2. Align Your Behavior and Words

3. Know the Difference between Positive, Negative, and Constructive Feedback

4. Make the Conversation Count

If you want to know more about 4 Ways To Deliver Feedback That Gets Results, explore this article now.

Read This Article


These posts can help you get the most out of your pharmaceutical sales team. With the right strategies and a team that’s motivated to improve, you’re sure to reach your goals and have a positive impact on your organization.

Score the effectiveness of your feedback to become a better sales leader. Download your free checklist now.

How Good Is Your Feedback? Score Your Feedback Effectiveness. Download My Checklist.


Written by ALULA

Posted in: Pharmaceutical Sales
