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Working Remote: 3 Steps to Be More Effective
By ALULA posted in Communicating with Teams, Working Remote, Leading Remote Teams, Work from Home, Managing Remotely
Preparing Your Organization's Culture for Gen Z
By ALULA posted in Leadership, Multigenerational Workforce
There’s a lot of discussion about Gen Z and the impact they will have on the workforce. The Wall Street Journal reports that they seek financial stability and are industrious. Inc. Magazine tells us they are culturally diverse and risk averse. Forbes says that they want to be judged on their own merit and they want to work with autonomy.
In every work environment you’ll hear talk of teams. Teams are formed deliberately and carefully to achieve the objectives and goals of an organization.
Many of us are part of multiple teams—a core team, plus at least one cross-functional team. In our work with many Fortune 100 companies, we know that the best teams all possess the same secret for success: a leader who knows how to create and lead a high-performing team.
Insights From Millennials: Why We’re Leaving Jobs and What You Can Do to Retain Us
By ALULA posted in Leadership
ALULA recently had the opportunity to participate at The POWER of Professional Women conference in Philadelphia, PA. During the conference we had the opportunity to engage with Millennial panelists, active in the workforce, to find out why they change jobs and what companies can do to retain them. Research shows that 21% of Millennials changed jobs in the past year, and 60% say they are open to new job opportunities.
How to love. How to live. How to fix anything. How to lose weight. How to stop worrying. How to train your dog, bird, cat or dragon. How to manage projects. How to manage time. How to set goals. How to influence people. How to negotiate anything with anybody. How to survive the zombie apocalypse.
We live in a "how-to” world. A quick search of “how to” in yields over 800,000 books and videos with the phrase in the title. The popular For Dummies series has over 2,500 titles and the Idiot’s Guide series has nearly as many. And take a look at your local newsstand and you’ll see covers littered with articles telling you the 5 things you must know, the 3 insider secrets that will guarantee success, or the 7 steps to improved performance.
A marketing exec friend of mine gave me a call the other day to catch up. After swapping stories about families and our current work, he finally asked after years of knowing me, “What exactly is change management anyway?”
The other day I was explaining the results of a change readiness assessment to an executive and shared a piece of news he found disturbing. He believed that everyone wanted the change that he was leading because when he spoke with others in the organization about it, they all told him it was a great idea.
Emperor . . . you have no clothes, I explained.
Why Empathy is a Pharmaceutical Sales Leadership Requirement
By ALULA posted in Leadership, Pharmaceutical Sales
Pharmaceutical companies have been talking about patient-centricity for years.
Yet, many pharma companies find it challenging to make patient-first thinking a pervasive trait throughout their organization.
In its simplest terms, creating a patient-centric culture is about being authentic and open in communicating to patients, taking care to understand their needs, and giving them a voice in the management of their care. Patient-centricity simply requires putting the patient first or being empathetic to their story.
Are you searching for ways to get better results from your sales team? Here’s a chance to look back at some of the top articles and tips from 2018. As we shift into the new year, you’ll have a valuable perspective on how to get the most out of your sales team.
Note to Senior Pharma Sales Execs: Are Your Sales Managers Coaching to Get the Most from Their Sales Representatives?
By ALULA posted in Pharmaceutical Sales
Coaching is an investment and should be a positive experience for your pharma reps, where they learn what they do well and discover where they can improve.
Below are three proven coaching actions used by effective pharma sales managers to help their teams reach business goals.