“Change has never been this fast, and it will never be this slow again.”
~ Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel
In recent months, I've witnessed a remarkable shift in the tone and atmosphere within organizations.
Employees at all levels are not just dealing with workplace transformations such as AI integration or juggling multiple change initiatives simultaneously. They're also—often in more disruptive ways—grappling with the impacts of global events, economic volatility, and political upheaval affecting their lives both inside and outside of work. The pace of change continues to accelerate, challenging our ability to stay true to personal values while succeeding in our professional roles.
When exposed to prolonged unpredictability or ambiguity, we develop what I call “uncertainty fatigue”—that profound exhaustion that settles in when you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. This exhaustion is becoming increasingly prevalent. Have you noticed how, recently, most responses to “How are you doing?” have become “I don't know. Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Worried about the future”? These aren't just casual complaints; they signal a deeper organizational challenge.
The symptoms of uncertainty fatigue manifest as diminished energy, scattered focus, and increasing forgetfulness. You might observe team members expressing heightened anxiety, communicating more emotionally, or withdrawing from collaboration. Sleep disruption and racing thoughts compound these effects, undermining employees' ability to process information, adapt to change, and perform at their best.
Left unchecked, uncertainty fatigue erodes engagement, stifles innovation, leads to decision avoidance, and ultimately diminishes collective resilience—precisely when your organization needs these qualities most.
What can leaders do to help reduce the negative impacts of uncertainty fatigue?
First, actively model and legitimize greater self-care. Don't just remind employees about setting boundaries, focusing on controllable factors, making time for physical activity, and engaging in energizing activities—demonstrate these practices yourself, and create organizational space for them to flourish.
While external forces remain beyond our control as leaders, we can create islands of stability and clarity for our teams by consistently implementing these strategies. In doing so, we don't just manage uncertainty fatigue, we build organizational resilience that transforms challenges into opportunities for growth.